Tag: dailyprompt
National Parks 🏞️ Tour Extravaganza!
What are your future travel plans? One of the first places on my list (for November) to visit is Glen Canyon which stretches between Arizona andRead More…
Challenges To Spirituality
How important is spirituality in your life? Becoming a more spiritually oriented person is a definite challenge for me. During the first eighteen Read More…
Optimal Autumn
What is your favorite season of year? Why? Autumn 🍂 is definitely my favorite season of the year regardless of what age I’ve been at, no maRead More…
My Forty-Four Year Jobs Journey
What jobs have you had? This is a good question. Since I was twelve years old there have been many that it’s hard to remember them all. BeforeRead More…
Nostalgia & Collectibles
Do you have any collections? Yes! I collect a lot of things. Because I enjoy reading 📖 so much, I have a large collection of Reader’s DigesRead More…
To Lead Or Follow…?
Are you a leader or a follower? I am neither. Where leading is concerned, there is too much pressure and too many expectations from people to provRead More…
If you could permanently ban a word from general usage, which one would it be? Why? If I could permanently ban only one word from general usage, Read More…
The Joys Of Leisure Time
What do you enjoy doing most in your leisure time? Where do I begin? There are many things that compete for my limited time, but during the lasRead More…
Learning Should Never Stop
What are your thoughts on the concept of living a very long life? My enthusiasm for this would be great only if there is a satisfactory quality Read More…