Film 🎥: Veterans Day Honors: Hacksaw Ridge (2016)

Promotional material for Hacksaw Ridge, directed by Mel Gibson (Lionsgate, 2016)

Reflecting on Veteran’s Day weekend of 2022, there are so many memorable war movies about the sacrifices Americans have made in all branches of service since our first War Of Independence in 1776. Our men and women have served valiantly in major conflicts overseas including both World Wars, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq.

Despite how terrible these conflicts were, perhaps the most tragic of the wars our nation has ever been engaged in was our own Civil War (1861-1865) which determined if the United States would remain whole or separate into two hostile states. Of course, the United States prevailed as one nation and the end result was the final abolition of slavery from all areas within our borders. Yet, even though it’s impossible to choose one title as “the best” war film ever made, perhaps Hacksaw Ridge is the most unique because of its hero.

Hacksaw Ridge is a standout because it may be the only major American war movie to focus on a pacifist as the hero of the narrative. In the story, Andrew Garfield portrays Desmond Thomas Doss who was a combat medic with the infantry stationed in the Pacific during World War Two. Doss had already distinguished himself for bravery in Guam and the Philippines, receiving two Bronze Metals. Nonetheless, he became quite a controversial figure for his refusal to bear arms.

Desmond T. Doss during the ceremony to receive the Medal Of Honor in 1945.

Doss became an object of ridicule and persecution for his pacifist beliefs. Despite the abuse he suffered for being a conscientious objector, Doss showed even greater bravery by rescuing seventy-five of his fellow servicemen during the horrific Battle Of Okinawa during the final American push to defeat Japan in 1945. The amazing performance that Garfield gave as Doss garnered him his first Academy Award nomination for Best Actor of 2016.

Hacksaw Ridge is easily one of the most inspiring stories of bravery, courage, determination, and selflessness that Hollywood has produced in decades. Desmond T. Doss is an ideal character study representing the best of America – a story not to be missed!