Category: Film
Film 🎥: Contemporary Comedy/Drama: In Good Company (2004)
Theatrical release poster for In Good Company (Universal, 2004) with Dennis Quaid (left) Topher Grace (right). Scarlett Johansson (below) AlthougRead More…
If you could permanently ban a word from general usage, which one would it be? Why? If I could permanently ban only one word from general usage, Read More…
Books 📚: Contemporary Non-Fiction: Inspired Traveller’s Guide – Mystical Places (2020)
Front cover of Inspired Traveller’s Guide: Mystical Places (2020) By Sarah Baxter. Illustrations by Amy Grimes. Quarto Publishing/Chartwell Books Read More…
The Joys Of Leisure Time
What do you enjoy doing most in your leisure time? Where do I begin? There are many things that compete for my limited time, but during the lasRead More…
Learning Should Never Stop
What are your thoughts on the concept of living a very long life? My enthusiasm for this would be great only if there is a satisfactory quality Read More…
Armchair Travelogues: Arizona Artscapes: Featured Artists – Linda Pullinsi & Barbera Clements!
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in downtown Phoenix contains the Olney Gallery with exhibits throughout the year. Happy New Year! I thought that aRead More…
TV Film 🎥: Dysfunctional Family Dramas: Doing Time On Maple Drive (1992)
DVD 📀 cover for Doing Time On Maple Drive (1992). It was considered a breakthrough movie for the time, handling contentious subject matter withoutRead More…
Armchair Travelogues: Arizona Special Places: Lost Dutchman State Park!
Iconic image of the Superstition Mountains ⛰️ at Lost Dutchman State Park. These forbidding and rugged mountains are still said to contain the faRead More…