Armchair Travelogues: Arizona On Film: Lake Havasu City!

The fabled 19th century London Bridge, now the centerpiece of the Lake Havasu region: June, 2020

Arizona has an amazing array of attractions for visitors, with the Grand Canyon being the most famous of all. Many people are not aware, though that the acclaimed London Bridge is the second most visited site in the state. This 1830s era bridge also figured prominently as a plot device in the made-for-tv movie thriller Bridge Across Time (1985).

For all those who love tv & movie trivia, the story was a showcase for David Hasselhoff of the hit 80s series Knight Rider. The far-fetched story revolved around the spirit of Jack The Ripper somehow crossing a time-warp from Victorian Britain (within a stone from the bridge) to 1980s Arizona … so he could kill again!

Another view of the bridge, with a very inviting drink special at friendly restaurants like the Javelina Cantina. Offers like this are just what a tourist needs on a hot summer day!

In any event, these days, the most fascinating true story of London Bridge relates to wealthy American entrepreneur and impresario Robert McCulloch, who purchased the bridge from the city of London, had the entire structure dismantled and transported half-way around the world in 1968. The entire bridge was re-assembled (along with the ornate street lamps) and re-dedicated in 1971, in the new town he created of Lake Havasu City. The old bridge got a new lease on life – both it and the town have been a hit for millions of visitors ever since!

Another view of the bridge featuring one of the antique street lamps, which enhances its appeal.
View of a “London Jet” boat pulling in to dock at the base of London Bridge. This boat tour is offered from Laughlin, Nevada and travels 58 miles down the Colorado River to Lake Havasu City where tourists can catch the sites and a bite to eat for a few hours before the return trip to Laughlin. A fun, relaxing way to spend a Saturday!