Alternate Universe Possibilities


Describe your life in an alternate universe.

This is a very broad topic because so many things flood my mind – that it’s almost bewildering to choose what my life could be like in an alternate universe. The most exciting thing though, would be to travel through different dimensions and portals to other worlds. In daydreams I picture traveling through storybook lands (maybe as a ghost 👻!) into the Land of Oz -and not just the story of the original 1939 The Wizard Of Oz movie. It would be a thrill to travel through the narratives of all fourteen books by author ✍️ L. Frank Baum as if they were each movies 🎥 of their own.

My daydreams take me especially to The Emerald City Of Oz where I imagine myself as either a novelist, writing ✍️ about all the fascinating characters that inhabit it. Or, I could also see myself as an architect there, planning awe inspiring new structures of glittering emeralds and other precious stones and metals. I could write for days about the wide variety of characters to play in magical kingdoms like Oz. Travels and adventures through Oz is merely the beginning. The possibilities of passing through portals and time travel are almost 😅 endless!

Hardcover edition of The Emerald City Of Oz (1910)

Continuing in this vein, anything related to time travel through novels and movies really resonates with me such as attending the Mad Hatter’s tea party from Alice In Wonderland as some other bizarre character would be amazing! Journeying through portals to the Enchanted Forest of Once Upon A Time and then passing through The Chronicles Of Narnia would be thrilling. Actually, anything far removed from this current reality with its overbearing politics, economic uncertainty, tiresome technologies, and other strife of our present world would be quite welcome.

My ideas of time travel through alternate realities also extends beyond fantasy lands. Going backward in time through different centuries opens up many possibilities as well. For instance, traveling the oceans 🌊 on a 19th century clipper ship to explore exotic lands, buying cargoes of tea and herbs 🌿 and spices also has a powerful allure. Another exciting theme would be exploration of past civilizations seeking lost treasure – much like Indiana Jones brings to mind all sorts of harrowing adventures. It would be cool 😎 to live on the edge without ever going over it!

An excellent example of mid-19th century sailing cargo vessel or “clipper” ship as they were commonly known.

Perhaps 🤔 my most satisfying alternate universe would be to live perpetually in Shangri-La. This mystical place is often considered to be the ultimate utopia or earthly paradise tucked away deep in the Himalayas – it’s own self contained world where there is no aging, sickness, or death, no environmental degradation, wars or social strife. The most popular incarnation of such a Shangri-La is depicted in the 1933 James Hilton novel Lost Horizon which was made into one of my favorite movies in 1937. For anyone intrigued with fictional, utopian societies the book is a must read. The movie is also absorbing, entertaining (although a bit long) and offers much food for thought as to what a utopia could be.